I am here to tell you why I think arial spraying is bad. Here are some reasons.
Number one: The spray doesn’t do much at. It seems to be that M.A.F is just chasing the moth. Then they found out that the spray was not working so they increased the spray zone from 600 hectares to 10,000 hectares!!
Secondly its a waste of money. It doesn’t do much at all so people are protesting but NOTHING is being done, there are STILL heaps of caterpillars left.
Thirdly the spray affects people but that's not how M.A.F looks at it. M.A.F say that the spray is harmless to humans IF the spray is applied correctly and that there is no medical reason for leaving, but that is just M.A.Fs opinion. This is what Hana Blackmore had to say. ”People are experiencing asthma, headaches, respiratory problems, diarrhea, nausea and bleeding noses all because of the spray.
The spray contains benzoic acid. The acid is safe to eat but is it safe to breath?
So do you like arial spraying? I don’t like it but it is you’re chose. What side are YOU on.
By Timu
About Us
- George
- "A choppy sea can be navigated." "He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka."
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Nuclear Power
Nuclear energy. Some like it, some don’t. I’m here to tell you why I think there is a bit of good but mostly BAD.
Nuclear power could produce one quarter of New Zealand's power if we only had one nuclear power station! Plus you only need a little bit of the secret ingredient…uranium! As always there is a catch. There is hardly any uranium on Earth. The more uranium the more power.
Amazingly it doesn’t give off greenhouse gas…but there is something more dangerous…RADIOACTIVE WASTE is the dangerous stuff and it can be hazardous for over ONE THOUSAND YEARS! How they store it is risky. Underground and in the sea. I mean are you crazy! If there is an earthquake it will come bubbling up.
And this is the important part, the cooling system! If it breaks down then all the radioactive waste will spread everywhere. At a nuclear power station called Chernobyl, their cooling systems broke down and people still can’t live near Chernobyl. This happened over 20 years ago!
So they could be good for New Zealand but what happens if it breaks down? Although they have a good side I’m against them and these are my reasons.
By Sophie
Solar Power
The Sun. It gives us light, heat and even electricity! I’m here to tell you why I love solar power.It’s free! Yes Siri it doesn’t cost a penny. All you have to pay for is the panels or tubes(I’ll tell you more about them soon).
Best of all it doesn’t give off greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gas is caused by smoke from fossil fuels and other polluting smoke.
There are two ways to get SOLAR POWER! One: Photovoltaic cells. The cells are put on your roof in a direction so that they get the most sun to create electricity and hooked up to your power supply. Two: Either water or glycol runs through the solar tubes and that goes in your water cylinder or glycol runs through tubes and around your water tank and heats the water. At my house we have water tubes on our roof! So I’ve had solar showers.
We may not know how to store solar power yet and it’s not all the time e.g. when the Sun doesn’t shine. I still think it is the best source of renewable energy EVER!
By Sophie
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Essay about Solar Power
Solar power
Right. Are you sick of having expensive energy? Well you are reading the right essay then. But wait. That does not tell you what this essay is about, does it? Well I am talking about solar power and why it is good.
Firstly Solar power hardly costs anything. I am saying this because the sun doesn’t shine for money or does it?
Secondly this method does not harm the environment. If you can find any way that the sun harms the environment e-mail me at marleywright91@gmail.com
Thirdly you can make electricity using the sun two ways. One way is you can use the sun to heat up a liquid.... Well water.... You can use the sun to heat up water but the only problem is that you might have a cold shower. The second way is that you can use photovoltaic cells. What happens is the sun shines on the cells and it makes electricity.
So are you thinking about changing to Solar power? Its cheap, environmentally friendly.
Right. Are you sick of having expensive energy? Well you are reading the right essay then. But wait. That does not tell you what this essay is about, does it? Well I am talking about solar power and why it is good.
Firstly Solar power hardly costs anything. I am saying this because the sun doesn’t shine for money or does it?
Secondly this method does not harm the environment. If you can find any way that the sun harms the environment e-mail me at marleywright91@gmail.com
Thirdly you can make electricity using the sun two ways. One way is you can use the sun to heat up a liquid.... Well water.... You can use the sun to heat up water but the only problem is that you might have a cold shower. The second way is that you can use photovoltaic cells. What happens is the sun shines on the cells and it makes electricity.
So are you thinking about changing to Solar power? Its cheap, environmentally friendly.
Essay about Nuclear Power
Nuclear power
So is your power cheap? Well good for you, but not so good for the environment and us.
I am here to tell you why Nuclear Power is so bad!
Firstly. Nuclear Power IS NOT environmentally friendly. Do you care about the environment? You do. Well Nuclear Power stations don’t. Did you know that Nuclear Power stations produce radioactive waste and have a guess were that goes. In a box underwater!
Secondly. The danger of a Nuclear Power station are SIGNIFICANT if the cooling system breaks down. Radioactive waste goes everywhere and has a massive affect on the environment and us. This has happened in Chernobyl in 1986 over 20 years ago and people STILL CAN’T LIVE THERE. Well at least around that area.
These are my reasons why Nuclear Power is bad. It is not environmentally friendly and it puts us in danger.
So is your power cheap? Well good for you, but not so good for the environment and us.
I am here to tell you why Nuclear Power is so bad!
Firstly. Nuclear Power IS NOT environmentally friendly. Do you care about the environment? You do. Well Nuclear Power stations don’t. Did you know that Nuclear Power stations produce radioactive waste and have a guess were that goes. In a box underwater!
Secondly. The danger of a Nuclear Power station are SIGNIFICANT if the cooling system breaks down. Radioactive waste goes everywhere and has a massive affect on the environment and us. This has happened in Chernobyl in 1986 over 20 years ago and people STILL CAN’T LIVE THERE. Well at least around that area.
These are my reasons why Nuclear Power is bad. It is not environmentally friendly and it puts us in danger.
Aerial spraying
Aerial spraying
Aerial spraying is bad I don’t want it any more here are my three reasons.
reason 1 Aerial spraying does not work because spraying by air just gets the canopy and not the ground so the PAM can keep breeding on lower trees and produce babies.
reason 2 The cost of aerial spraying is a lot. It can cost millions but mostly the tax payers have to pay. Some of the spray does not even get to the ground which means they have to do it again from the ground it’s a waste of spray.
When they Aerial spray they have to pay for a plane or a helicopter to spray and then they have to pay for the pilots hours.
reason 3 Health is a big concern in aerial spraying because it sprays every where and what about people who may have asthma they could get really sick or have a asthma attack.The worst thing is that no tests have been taken they have just taken information from overseas and overseas could be wrong it could make people sick.
So now you have read my three reasons on why we should not have aerial spraying.
By Caleb
Aerial spraying is bad I don’t want it any more here are my three reasons.
reason 1 Aerial spraying does not work because spraying by air just gets the canopy and not the ground so the PAM can keep breeding on lower trees and produce babies.
reason 2 The cost of aerial spraying is a lot. It can cost millions but mostly the tax payers have to pay. Some of the spray does not even get to the ground which means they have to do it again from the ground it’s a waste of spray.
When they Aerial spray they have to pay for a plane or a helicopter to spray and then they have to pay for the pilots hours.
reason 3 Health is a big concern in aerial spraying because it sprays every where and what about people who may have asthma they could get really sick or have a asthma attack.The worst thing is that no tests have been taken they have just taken information from overseas and overseas could be wrong it could make people sick.
So now you have read my three reasons on why we should not have aerial spraying.
By Caleb
Why I do not support the spraying
I am going to tell you why I think aerial spraying for PAM is wrong.
There are still thousands of PAM caterpillars left and MAF is having to increase the spray zone from 600 hectares to 10,000 hectares. Shaun a boy who lives in the spray zone said “It’s not working because they have to keep making the spray zone bigger and bigger.” All MAF seem to be doing is chasing the moth.
Secondly people are getting sick. People with an allergy are effected the most but even people without an allergy have been getting asthma, diarrhoea, nausea and bleeding noses.
There are other ways to get rid of the painted apple moth (also known as PAM) like ground spraying on low bush areas and around towns. MAF could teach people what to look for and how to get rid of them even by paying kids to collect PAM caterpillars.
So that is why I think there is a better alternative to aerial spraying and why I think it should stop.
By Billy
I am going to tell you why I think aerial spraying for PAM is wrong.
There are still thousands of PAM caterpillars left and MAF is having to increase the spray zone from 600 hectares to 10,000 hectares. Shaun a boy who lives in the spray zone said “It’s not working because they have to keep making the spray zone bigger and bigger.” All MAF seem to be doing is chasing the moth.
Secondly people are getting sick. People with an allergy are effected the most but even people without an allergy have been getting asthma, diarrhoea, nausea and bleeding noses.
There are other ways to get rid of the painted apple moth (also known as PAM) like ground spraying on low bush areas and around towns. MAF could teach people what to look for and how to get rid of them even by paying kids to collect PAM caterpillars.
So that is why I think there is a better alternative to aerial spraying and why I think it should stop.
By Billy
Friday, October 19, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Cover Page
This is my amazing cover page. In our magazine it will show you everything you need to about farming.
This is my advertisement for the magazine so come and see me if you want cute goats like these. By Billy
Friday, September 7, 2012
Here's my Gymnastics Movie
In gym we had got into groups of four. We went on The Beam, Big Blue Mat and The Box.
In my movie our group went on The Box and The Beam.
How many eggs do you eat in a week? Most people like free range eggs, but have you thought about the price? Free range eggs have twice as much fat in them as battery farmed eggs do. Battery hen farms creates a lot of jobs each year. I am here to tell you why I don’t think it is BAD to have battery hen farms!
Battery farmed eggs are a whole lot cheaper than free range eggs. According to the supermarket the cheapest battery farmed egg was 54 cents per 100grams, the cheapest free range egg was 75 cents per 100grams.The most expensive battery hen farmed eggs were 80 cents per 100grams but the free range eggs came in at $1.32 per 100grams. That is a lot cheaper. An average person eats 230 eggs in a year, so would you like to be paying a lot of money for a simple thing we have in our everyday diets?
Do you think about your weight often and love eggs? Well if you eat free range eggs they have way more fat in them compared to battery farm eggs. So if you are weight conscious and don’t have a lot of money try battery farmed eggs. True, people say that free range eggs taste better, but some people did a blind taste test and said that they tasted exactly the same.
There are a lot of battery hen farms around New Zealand in fact 140 farms. That provides a lot of jobs and makes money for the government, which in turn makes the economy stronger. People who work there go home with money in their pockets.
So do you still think battery hen farming is still bad? I don’t! Because the eggs are cheaper and don’t have nearly as much fat in them, as well as creating a lot of jobs in our country.
Storm LeQuesne
How many eggs do you eat in a week? Most people like free range eggs, but have you thought about the price? Free range eggs have twice as much fat in them as battery farmed eggs do. Battery hen farms creates a lot of jobs each year. I am here to tell you why I don’t think it is BAD to have battery hen farms!
Battery farmed eggs are a whole lot cheaper than free range eggs. According to the supermarket the cheapest battery farmed egg was 54 cents per 100grams, the cheapest free range egg was 75 cents per 100grams.The most expensive battery hen farmed eggs were 80 cents per 100grams but the free range eggs came in at $1.32 per 100grams. That is a lot cheaper. An average person eats 230 eggs in a year, so would you like to be paying a lot of money for a simple thing we have in our everyday diets?
Do you think about your weight often and love eggs? Well if you eat free range eggs they have way more fat in them compared to battery farm eggs. So if you are weight conscious and don’t have a lot of money try battery farmed eggs. True, people say that free range eggs taste better, but some people did a blind taste test and said that they tasted exactly the same.
There are a lot of battery hen farms around New Zealand in fact 140 farms. That provides a lot of jobs and makes money for the government, which in turn makes the economy stronger. People who work there go home with money in their pockets.
So do you still think battery hen farming is still bad? I don’t! Because the eggs are cheaper and don’t have nearly as much fat in them, as well as creating a lot of jobs in our country.
Storm LeQuesne
Brie Cheese Dip
Here is a recipe for a yummy Brie Cheese Dip!
Cooking time: 15 min
Serves 4
Serves 4
- 1 pack of Brie cheese
- 2-3 spoons of Raspberry jam
- Plain water crackers
Friday, August 24, 2012
Battery Hens
Battery Hen Farms
Why do we keep hens in disgusting little cages? It’s like the hens are the crops and the eggs are what they are harvesting. I think that battery hens conditions are extremely cruel. In this essay I’ll tell you why.First of all the battery hens have small uncomfortable cages. The hens have hardly any room with 4-5 hens in a minuscule cage, they only get three quarters of an A4 piece paper to live on. Their feet get sore or broken from standing on fragile wire 24/7.
They pretty much live in poo pits. Poo falls in between the wire bars and catches on metal sheets. It means that they live in ammonia filled air. The ammonia kills them from the inside out. Poor little hens.
Furthermore they NEVER get to see the sun. The farmers use fake sunrises and sunsets. Lastly farmers keep lights on 16 hours in winter so the hens lay and don’t slack.
Although battery hen eggs are cheaper it’s unethical to do that to hens or any other animal.
By Sophie
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Kathleen Hall
I read the School Journal Part 4 Number 3 2001 A Forgotten Hero
about when Kathleen Hall went China from New Zealand to be a nurse.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Iron Lady vs The Tin Pot Foreign General
Once a long time ago there was a little desolate island at the bottom of the world.
No one really lived on the island except some poor shepherds. The shepherds sat there all day counting and killing their sheep. All they ate was mutton.
Just across the ocean a rich king lived in a big palace. This king was no ordinary king he was made entirely out of tin pots. So he decided to do something to make his name last through the ages. He said “I will attack the little island”.
A couple of miles across the ocean lived a rich Iron Lady. When she heard about this she went bonkers. “I bagsied that island first”. “I did!” “I did!” “I did!” The Iron Lady opened her big chest of money. “I want 1,000 boats and fill them up with the best men I have.”
The Tin Pot Foreign General’s ships hit the shore. “I bags this island”. The Iron Lady’s ships hit the shore. “No I bags it!” said the crazy old lady. As the men, the flesh and blood men, were fighting the Iron Lady and the Tin Pot Foreign General had a battle. In the end the Iron Lady bet the Tin Pot Foreign General and won the battle.
The Tin Pot Foreign General and his men fled. “Yes we won! Rejoice!” claimed the Iron Lady “I will return!” bellowed the Tin Pot Foreign General. When all the soldiers left the shepherds returned to their same old routines.
Three shepherds were shot in the battle but no one was to blame. later on at the Iron Lady’s kingdom a big iron box came.
The box contained all the dead bodies that she lost in the war. The Iron Lady gave all the soldiers a special medal and everyone went out to church to celebrate the victory.
After they had a parade for all the soldiers but the men that had body parts missing were excluded from the parade. Some watched in the grand-stand, others stayed at home, others tended the graves.
No one really lived on the island except some poor shepherds. The shepherds sat there all day counting and killing their sheep. All they ate was mutton.
Just across the ocean a rich king lived in a big palace. This king was no ordinary king he was made entirely out of tin pots. So he decided to do something to make his name last through the ages. He said “I will attack the little island”.
A couple of miles across the ocean lived a rich Iron Lady. When she heard about this she went bonkers. “I bagsied that island first”. “I did!” “I did!” “I did!” The Iron Lady opened her big chest of money. “I want 1,000 boats and fill them up with the best men I have.”
The Tin Pot Foreign General’s ships hit the shore. “I bags this island”. The Iron Lady’s ships hit the shore. “No I bags it!” said the crazy old lady. As the men, the flesh and blood men, were fighting the Iron Lady and the Tin Pot Foreign General had a battle. In the end the Iron Lady bet the Tin Pot Foreign General and won the battle.
The Tin Pot Foreign General and his men fled. “Yes we won! Rejoice!” claimed the Iron Lady “I will return!” bellowed the Tin Pot Foreign General. When all the soldiers left the shepherds returned to their same old routines.
Three shepherds were shot in the battle but no one was to blame. later on at the Iron Lady’s kingdom a big iron box came.
The box contained all the dead bodies that she lost in the war. The Iron Lady gave all the soldiers a special medal and everyone went out to church to celebrate the victory.
After they had a parade for all the soldiers but the men that had body parts missing were excluded from the parade. Some watched in the grand-stand, others stayed at home, others tended the graves.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Geronimo's Kingdom Of Fantasy
Jahdan's story The Yacht Race.
The Yacht race!!!
Life jackets on check, Sun hat check, water bottle check, waiting in line check. “I’m all ready M.S J”.
“Good work Jahdan. Ok everyone walk in a single file line to the wharf”.
I had to hang back with Soph at the back of the line to make sure that no one fell behind. Mean while in The Bay me and M.S Joy were having a conversation about xbox and other stuff E.G ( xbox games swimming and sports) until we got to the wharf. I looked over the side of the wharf, I could see the Casteaux with Rastus as our skipper.
One by one we slowly hopped on the boat that is going to take us out to see the racing yachts leave. I jumped on and I began to have a we snoop around the big blue boat docked up at the wharf. The engine started throttle on and away we go!!!
15 Minutes later I looked at all the yachts that were all lined up all along at the front of The Bay. Moments later... Bang!!! The race began, if Revs didn’t show off so much they would be in the lead but look at them now they’re in last place what a shame.
“Truxton Surreal and E Copellia are neck and neck, Surreal’s taking the lead wait now it’s Truxton”.
“Now Surreal is back in fist place, wow here comes E Copellia By golly the three boats are evenly matched. I’ve never seen a performance this good in my life!!!”
The three boats stayed neck and neck until I could no longer see them and not long after that the other Yachts vanished too so we turned back to the Island and went home.
By Jahdan.
Life jackets on check, Sun hat check, water bottle check, waiting in line check. “I’m all ready M.S J”.
“Good work Jahdan. Ok everyone walk in a single file line to the wharf”.
I had to hang back with Soph at the back of the line to make sure that no one fell behind. Mean while in The Bay me and M.S Joy were having a conversation about xbox and other stuff E.G ( xbox games swimming and sports) until we got to the wharf. I looked over the side of the wharf, I could see the Casteaux with Rastus as our skipper.
One by one we slowly hopped on the boat that is going to take us out to see the racing yachts leave. I jumped on and I began to have a we snoop around the big blue boat docked up at the wharf. The engine started throttle on and away we go!!!
15 Minutes later I looked at all the yachts that were all lined up all along at the front of The Bay. Moments later... Bang!!! The race began, if Revs didn’t show off so much they would be in the lead but look at them now they’re in last place what a shame.
“Truxton Surreal and E Copellia are neck and neck, Surreal’s taking the lead wait now it’s Truxton”.
“Now Surreal is back in fist place, wow here comes E Copellia By golly the three boats are evenly matched. I’ve never seen a performance this good in my life!!!”
The three boats stayed neck and neck until I could no longer see them and not long after that the other Yachts vanished too so we turned back to the Island and went home.
By Jahdan.
BEEEPP!! As the last whistle blew the yachts snatched the breaths of wind to hurtle through the starting passage.
Mostly everyone was going for Surreal BUT Truxton took the lead. As they drew closer to the Titi Islands, Rastus turned the Casteaux’s radar on, tracking their every move.
The Casteaux moved along the fleet of yachts leaving Vingilot in its wake.The incredibly fast Truxton was showing off, setting a wonderful pace.
Cameron & Tim - crew of Surreal - were eager to get the lead but their hopes were dashed because Truxton were pulling the lead out into deeper water.
As soon as the yachts were no more than dots on the horizon we accelerated back to the wharf. As we approached our destination we played standing long jump. THUMP!!
Mostly everyone was going for Surreal BUT Truxton took the lead. As they drew closer to the Titi Islands, Rastus turned the Casteaux’s radar on, tracking their every move.
The Casteaux moved along the fleet of yachts leaving Vingilot in its wake.The incredibly fast Truxton was showing off, setting a wonderful pace.
Cameron & Tim - crew of Surreal - were eager to get the lead but their hopes were dashed because Truxton were pulling the lead out into deeper water.
As soon as the yachts were no more than dots on the horizon we accelerated back to the wharf. As we approached our destination we played standing long jump. THUMP!!
By Sophie C.
“Hopefully I’m not LAST again” I groan.
“Sophie C., Halfmoon Bay” the Lady says.
“Right here” I call. As I line up I can see people having their throws already.
As I pick up the shot it feels really light. Nah! Definitely not two kilograms! I raise the shot to my neck. 3 2 1 Thump! As the shot crashes to the ground it passes the flag with ‘3 Girls’. It’s probably six meters or something like that.
“Sophie C., Halfmoon Bay” the Lady says.
“Right here” I call. As I line up I can see people having their throws already.
As I pick up the shot it feels really light. Nah! Definitely not two kilograms! I raise the shot to my neck. 3 2 1 Thump! As the shot crashes to the ground it passes the flag with ‘3 Girls’. It’s probably six meters or something like that.
“WOW! You are good!” my friend exclaims.
“Really? It’s only six meters” I reply.
“NO it’s not, it’s 7.23 meters” the Lady announces.
“7.23, thats my PB” I blurt. The words stumble out of my mouth.
When I finish I sprint over to Mum. “Mum guess what; I bet my PB!” I shout.
One hour later, “Ten Girls Shot Put ... Sophie C. Halfmoon Bay third.”
“Really? It’s only six meters” I reply.
“NO it’s not, it’s 7.23 meters” the Lady announces.
“7.23, thats my PB” I blurt. The words stumble out of my mouth.
When I finish I sprint over to Mum. “Mum guess what; I bet my PB!” I shout.
One hour later, “Ten Girls Shot Put ... Sophie C. Halfmoon Bay third.”
By Sophie C.
Jahdan's running movie 2012
12 Year old boys 100m run.
As we take our places at the start of the race we have a few minutes to get ready for the sprint of our lives.
We got into our lanes ready to start sprinting for the chance to go to Southland. Everyone was eager to run. We all sounded like racing cars burning their wheels on the track.
3 2 1 GO!!! I heave my legs it was as if my legs were missiles ready to hit it’s target at the finish line. At the 50m mark I started to fall behind so I used the adrenalin I had left, then I sped right back up to 2nd place. I am confident that I might win the race. I only had one chance left so I launched my legs and it felt like my speed limit just went up to a hundred km per hour. The race has finished and a huge load of pain shot up my leg but I didn’t care. I just was glad that I made it to Southland by coming 2nd place. Now that the race was over I had to limp to the rest of the events for the rest of day.... and get my foot wrapped up in bandages and the rest of the day was hell on Earth!!!!!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Hanging friends

I liked putting on the beads and painting. I need to make sure the picture fits right next time.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Chug chug on Rastas’s boat with sixteen energetic children with six inside chatting to him and I think they might have annoyed him because they were chatting to him a little bit too much but when the yachts went past we had to go outside to wave goodbye to them.When the race started a horn sounded. Revs was last past the starting line because they were showing off too much.
by Harry
by Harry
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Shot Put
Shot Put
As I was lining up for shot put it was exiting. I was nervous. I was in first place, after that second, then last, next 4th. My arm was sore. I was getting hungry. “Hey how did you get in front of me?” I said to Harry. I felt confident. I sent the shot put flying. I was happy. I was prouder than ever.
By George.
Just as I was lining up I was feeling really nervous. I felt shaky, a HUGE shiver ran up my spine. At the start I start to sprint, I try not to look around, I’m really still very nervous. It’s like I’m about to vibrate!
Horrible pain kicks in, I have to sprint in the 200 meters so the pain goes away at the end.
Once when we were in the middle of discus it was my friend Angus’s turn and on his first turn the discus flew out of the place he was supposed to throw it in then he hit a poor kids back...
But now back to the 200 meters. I start to hope that I’ll kick their butts. I hope the pain will go away. I hope I’ll be terrific. Soon the hard work will be over.
I feel so relieved that it’s all over now I feel so relaxed in the warm pool, finally the hard sprinting, the hot heat is all over!
By Kaden
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
What I like about my hanging friend is the skull and the lightning bolts and how it looks like death. What I could work on is making him a bit bigger and the shape of him.
I strode along the bumpy track. The dense bush is all around me. I heard some splashes. I ran into a clearing there was a gently flowing river. I crossed the stream to Cleopatras Pool. I dived into the icy cold water “AHH its freezing in here’’I screamed. I sped down the natural water slide there was a bump... “AHH my BUM”
What I like about my hanging friend - he has cool strips and cool wee beads and what I could of done better is put in more detail on it .
By Winiata
Yacht Race
Rastus levered the boat away from the wharf. There were 16 energetic kids aboard the Casteaux. We steamed out past Leask Bay to the starting buoy. There was a floating fleet of fishing boats farewelling the astonishingly crazy yachties. The start of the third leg to Napier had began!!!!!!
I lined up for the 100m and I am feeling exhilarated. I boosted off my back leg and I sprinted down the track. The pain kicks in half way down the track and I start to puff but I keep on going. When the pain kicked in I felt like I could collapse on the track and I nearly did. I am still spiriting and jump up strait and push off my back leg and get a little bit more speed. “5,4,3,2.” I have finished the 100m race and I came 2nd last. I am going to try to improve.
When we lined up for the 800m I had butterflies in my tummy. “Good luck Timu” I said. On your marks. Set. BANG! We’re off tearing round the first corner. I told Leeym his shoe was untied but he wasn't wearing any. More like his foot was untied. In the middle of the race I could hardly breathe. I can see the finish line and I sprint to the end. I’m extremely puffed. Mum tipped some lukewarm water on my face.
by Angus
Monday, March 26, 2012
SSANZ Yacht Race
“Yay” everyone shouted. We’re going on the Casteaux to see the start of the yacht race. We drove out to the the starting line with the water gently lapping on the sides of the bow.
“Go Seareal!” We all screamed.
“Hey Jan” I said. “We have party poppers?”
“We are going to let them off at the start of the race” she said.
Beep beep beep beeeeeep Go!!
They are all of to a good start except for Revs who were showing off and were way behind but they caught up quickly then...OW NO the Palagian got their sail caught under their bow and had to speed over to the bow to heave it out and that made them lose some time.
“Here’s all your party poppers” Jan yelled.
Bang! Bang! Pop! Pop!
We followed the yachts for about 20 minutes so it looked like we were racing too. Then we went back to Oban. That was AWESOMELY AWESOME!!!
By Timu
“Go Seareal!” We all screamed.
“Hey Jan” I said. “We have party poppers?”
“We are going to let them off at the start of the race” she said.
Beep beep beep beeeeeep Go!!
They are all of to a good start except for Revs who were showing off and were way behind but they caught up quickly then...OW NO the Palagian got their sail caught under their bow and had to speed over to the bow to heave it out and that made them lose some time.
“Here’s all your party poppers” Jan yelled.
Bang! Bang! Pop! Pop!
We followed the yachts for about 20 minutes so it looked like we were racing too. Then we went back to Oban. That was AWESOMELY AWESOME!!!
By Timu
The 3rd leg
The 3rd leg
HONK! 5 minutes - the yachts pull up their sails.
HONK! 4 minutes - all the boats start to move to the start line.
HONK! 3 minutes - Revs started showing off racing past Lonnekers then
HONK! 2 minutes - all the yachts started lining up but Revs still was showing off.
HONK! 1 minute - Storm starts giving out party poppers. "Thanks" I say
HONK!! the yachts race past Snail Rock, speed past the light house and out to Foveaux Strait.
On the way back we play standing long jump.
Now the yachts are little dots on the horizon.
By Jack
HONK! 5 minutes - the yachts pull up their sails.
HONK! 4 minutes - all the boats start to move to the start line.
HONK! 3 minutes - Revs started showing off racing past Lonnekers then
HONK! 2 minutes - all the yachts started lining up but Revs still was showing off.
HONK! 1 minute - Storm starts giving out party poppers. "Thanks" I say
HONK!! the yachts race past Snail Rock, speed past the light house and out to Foveaux Strait.
On the way back we play standing long jump.
Now the yachts are little dots on the horizon.
By Jack
The High Jump
“Ok let’s get started.”
“Daniel you’re up.”
He jogged up. 12..123. He jumped up but hit the bar with bang!
“Ok Timu.”
I sprinted up to the towering high jump. 12..123. Yes I made it!! I sit down behind the orange cone.
I saw Leeym Gus and Storm do their jump. Bang bang bang went the bar as it fell to the ground.
“Good try you guys”.
“See ya at the pool”.
Now I’m the only one standing. I can't get shot down.
Last chance I got to get this right. 12..123. Crash! No!! I didn’t make it.
I went over to the lady and got my athletics card signed.
Time to go swimming. Maybe next year I’ll do better.
I felt a bit disappointed in high jump but I felt proud of my self with my other events.
By Timu
Thursday, March 22, 2012
I line up and a shiver goes up my spine. It’s my go so I leap into the circle and pick up the discus. My arm aches as I toss the discus. It flies through the air then the discus lands over the other side of the line. “Dow!”. It’s my last chance. I throw the discus it flies through the air then splat! “Good it’s in.” By Jack
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Long Jump
As the 8 year old boys are lining up in the never ending line for long jump I say to my self, “Dirt we are jumping in dirt”!!!
One kid after another do a good jump. Finally it is my turn so I sprint and launch my self into space as if I am flying. As I land in the dirt pit. I hear them say “3.meters yes”!!!
“Ouch I say to my self The stitch.” The kid after me got 3meters as well.
“This is the last chance.”Dids exclaimed, “Make it a good one”.The kids are dropping down like flies. Now It is just a battle between me and another kid. I run as fast as a cheater and jump as far as a kangaroo in a hurry.
“You won!” the lady said.
After the event I was so happy that it was over. Now it is time to go swimming
by Billy
Yacht Race
As we head out to see the yachts leave we see some of the yachts doing 360s and other stuff. We are getting really excited now because all of the yachts are deploying their sails they are turning around coming over to the start line. They have amazing designs on some of the mainsails on the yachts. We are all outside looking at the incredible sight of the yachts.
The first starting horn has been blown and the clock has hit 1:50pm. It won’t be long until the third leg of the race is underway. Now all of the yachts are at the start line the last horn has been blown the third leg of the race is underway.
Oh no Revs are still showing off behind the rest of the boats. All of them will get a head start. We follow the yachts until we reach the Titi islands and when we turn around Sophie and I start a game of standing long jump. Of course Billy and George get the high scores and we played that game until we reached the wharf.
By Marley
As I get into my lane for the 800m race it feels like I am going to pea my pants( luckily I didn’t). I think to myself will I get better than what I did last time or worse? Can’t think now. “Set”. WA-BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The gun sounded like my alarm But 900,000,000,005 times louder.
I ran like I had been taught to, only move your arms and legs don’t move anything else. We run around the track like a pack of wild dogs chasing a rabbit. I scoot up into second place but slowly move down as if I’m a fire going out after a bucket of water has been tipped over it.
Still running like I did at the start of the race I speed up and go into 4th place. As I come into the last lap I hear Miss Joy (she is one of the amazing teachers at Halfmoon Bay School) screaming“GO MARLEY GO! KEEP THE SPEED UP!” So I kick up into 20th gear as I speed into third.
Going around the last corner scares me because all of my friends are counting on me. I try to sprint but what the... I’m out of gas. I try to heave myself to the finish before more people catch up to me. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I scream as I get into 7th place and finish.
Oh god I would rather eat a blue cods eye ball than do that again... but next weekend I have to do the 1500M race NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I ran like I had been taught to, only move your arms and legs don’t move anything else. We run around the track like a pack of wild dogs chasing a rabbit. I scoot up into second place but slowly move down as if I’m a fire going out after a bucket of water has been tipped over it.
Still running like I did at the start of the race I speed up and go into 4th place. As I come into the last lap I hear Miss Joy (she is one of the amazing teachers at Halfmoon Bay School) screaming“GO MARLEY GO! KEEP THE SPEED UP!” So I kick up into 20th gear as I speed into third.
Going around the last corner scares me because all of my friends are counting on me. I try to sprint but what the... I’m out of gas. I try to heave myself to the finish before more people catch up to me. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I scream as I get into 7th place and finish.
Oh god I would rather eat a blue cods eye ball than do that again... but next weekend I have to do the 1500M race NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Yacht Race
As the yachts Danaide, Sunstone, Truxton, Peligian 2, Surreal, Expedition Copellia and Vingilot lined up for the third leg Revs meanwhile was being a show off. As we hopped aboard the Casteaux we began to get a bit superstitious because Rastus had bananas. It was calm but it still bounced when the water lapped against the boat.
“Party poppers” we yelled. “This is so much fun.”
Then the starting horn signaled that they had a minute to go.
Beep! Go! The fleet of yachts left Oban and we saw lots of different designs. Tim and Cameron in the Surreal cruised past us with the music blaring. Soon the boats were just dots on the horizon.
“Its time to go back now.” said Rastus.
“Lets play standing long jump.” I said. As we lined up everyone was excited. Now its my turn. I jump as far as I can and swing my arms and as I land I hear Ms J say “The record.”
“Yes!” I said.
This has been an incredible day.

by Billy
“Party poppers” we yelled. “This is so much fun.”
Then the starting horn signaled that they had a minute to go.
Beep! Go! The fleet of yachts left Oban and we saw lots of different designs. Tim and Cameron in the Surreal cruised past us with the music blaring. Soon the boats were just dots on the horizon.
“Its time to go back now.” said Rastus.
“Lets play standing long jump.” I said. As we lined up everyone was excited. Now its my turn. I jump as far as I can and swing my arms and as I land I hear Ms J say “The record.”
“Yes!” I said.
This has been an incredible day.

by Billy
I am getting lined up. My leg is aching as if it was broken. I am feeling confident. I line up. “ON YOUR MARKS. GET SET. GO!” ZOOM! I speed down the track like a bullet. Ow the pain kicks in. I am speeding down the track like a maniac. I can see the finish line so I speed up a bit more. “Yes I came 1st!” I am feeling good. I am feeling very very VERY proud of myself.
By Wini
I am getting lined up. My leg is aching as if it was broken. I am feeling confident. I line up. “ON YOUR MARKS. GET SET. GO!” ZOOM! I speed down the track like a bullet. Ow the pain kicks in. I am speeding down the track like a maniac. I can see the finish line so I speed up a bit more. “Yes I came 1st!” I am feeling good. I am feeling very very VERY proud of myself.
By Wini
I felt excited that I was lining up for my 800 meter sprint but I knew I was going to come last. As the starter gun went off I sped around the first bend. I could hear people cheering for me. It was awesome! I started to huff and puff around the second bend. As I passed Timu
and two other kids as well I knew I could at least come 7th. I passed two people in front of me as I sprinted across the finish line. I dropped to the ground relieved that it was over!!!!!
BY Leeym
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Check out this cool photo and article from the Southland Times!
Check out this cool photo and article from the Southland Times!
We walk up and down the sand paper like deck. Scritch scratch our shoes went. Rastus and Jan untied the boat from the wharf. Rastus shifted the boat into gear and the motor roared. We slowly crept away from the wharf. In a minute we are out in the Bay. The waves lapped softly against the side of the boat. The Arun dropped its anchor half way out the Bay.
“ Hey party poppers!” I yelled.
“They are for the start of the race” replied Mum.
One of the men on the Arun had a start horn. 5 minutes - beep. 4 minutes - beep. 3 minutes - beep. 2 minutes - beep. 1 minute - beep.
GO!! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
The yachts sped off.
“Go Truxton!”
“Go Surreal!”
We Pulled all our party poppers.
“Man this is awesome.”
The time sped along with us.
“It’s time to go home now.”
As we came home we played standing long jump. It was smashing fun.
“See you yachts in another 21 years”
By Storm
“ Hey party poppers!” I yelled.
“They are for the start of the race” replied Mum.
One of the men on the Arun had a start horn. 5 minutes - beep. 4 minutes - beep. 3 minutes - beep. 2 minutes - beep. 1 minute - beep.
GO!! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
The yachts sped off.
“Go Truxton!”
“Go Surreal!”
We Pulled all our party poppers.
“Man this is awesome.”
The time sped along with us.
“It’s time to go home now.”
As we came home we played standing long jump. It was smashing fun.
“See you yachts in another 21 years”
By Storm
Vroom! Vroom! as the yachts Danaide, Sunstone, Truxton, Peligian 2, Surreal, Expedition Copellia, Vingilot and Revs blasted off. Revs was revving and showing off. Everyone's rudder was running. The bows were booming. The main-sails were up on all the yachts. It was a bit bouncy. Now it was time to go back to school.
By George
SSANZ Yacht Race
Honk! went the warning horn signaling there was a minute to go to the start of the third leg. “DAMN our sail is caught under the bow.” yelled Pelagian’s crew. They scrambled to the bow to heave the spinnaker out of the calm ocean. Meanwhile Revs was showing off.
Surreal slowly glided past. Tim and Cameron had the music blasting. The yachts came flooding out of the Bay, it was amazing.
By Angus
Surreal slowly glided past. Tim and Cameron had the music blasting. The yachts came flooding out of the Bay, it was amazing.
By Angus
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Kaden's Hanging Friend
Why I'm proud of it:
Because I did it the way I planned it and I put a lot of effort into it.
What I could have done to make it better:
I could have tried to make it bigger and put a picture on my body and I could have put in more body parts.
By Kaden
Because I did it the way I planned it and I put a lot of effort into it.
What I could have done to make it better:
I could have tried to make it bigger and put a picture on my body and I could have put in more body parts.
By Kaden
The Random Friend
I think the shirt was a bit tatty as well as the legs. I forgot to paper mache a nose
onto the face.
I love the top and the awesome beads that stand out!
By Leeym
Hanging friend
My hanging friend has a cap, a boat and a top and gecko eyes and mouth.
I could improve by using more colors and making the paint go all one way.
I could improve by using more colors and making the paint go all one way.
Sophie's Hanging Friend
Making the wool hair that was fun.
I enjoyed making the 3-D nose and doing paper mache.
Next time I will the make skin colour not so dark.
Timu's Hanging Friend
What I liked: I think I did well with the bear claw / it was Marley’s emblem. What I didn’t like: I think I could have cut out my eyes and mouth instead of leaving them square and have more body parts.
By Timu
By Timu
I think Angus went well because he was a big friend and I love his peace sign on the shirt.
I could have made Angus better if the glue around the glasses was tidier.
By Storm
Angus's hanging friend
I like my hanging friend because its a bit different
and I like its socks.
I could of made it better by making some arms.
by Angus
Jahdan's Hanging Friend
To improve on my Hanging friend I have to fix the legs and give them space so that they don’t swing all over the place.
I also need to put a nose so that it looks more realistic.
Next time when I make another Hanging friend I need to have arms so that it stays balanced and looks like a real person.
THE BEST THING I LIKE ABOUT MY HANGING FRIEND IS: The best thing I like is the face because the glasses for the eyes are real cool and the colour pattern on the face is impressive to me. JAHDAN
I also need to put a nose so that it looks more realistic.
Next time when I make another Hanging friend I need to have arms so that it stays balanced and looks like a real person.
THE BEST THING I LIKE ABOUT MY HANGING FRIEND IS: The best thing I like is the face because the glasses for the eyes are real cool and the colour pattern on the face is impressive to me. JAHDAN
To Improve on my hanging friend I need to make a nose and make the legs straight.
What I liked about George is that he had a big mouth and a Koru on his shirt.
by Billy
What I liked about George is that he had a big mouth and a Koru on his shirt.
by Billy
Hanging Friend
Things that worked well. Doing my nose went well because I paper mached my nose with my face then painted my nose red. The thing that didn't go well is that my legs had to be hot glue gunned on last and in the end I was last finished.
Things that worked well. Doing my nose went well because I paper mached my nose with my face then painted my nose red. The thing that didn't go well is that my legs had to be hot glue gunned on last and in the end I was last finished.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Super Bowl
“3, 2, 1 GO” the lifeguard says. Kath and I fly down the icky green coloured slide as my stomach reaches my mouth. In a matter of moments we whizz out of the tube, I forget my fear.
The unbearable sunlight is blinding but I’m having too much fun. As we approach the daunting, almost vertical tunnel the water circles around the air inflated tube like sharks snapping at snapper.
VROOM! We slip and slide until the end. KERRSPLOSH!!
Water flies everywhere as we come to an almighty STOP!
By Sophie.
The unbearable sunlight is blinding but I’m having too much fun. As we approach the daunting, almost vertical tunnel the water circles around the air inflated tube like sharks snapping at snapper.
VROOM! We slip and slide until the end. KERRSPLOSH!!
Water flies everywhere as we come to an almighty STOP!
By Sophie.
Pirates in Picton
Whoops I tumbled through a gap in the mooring line. “Arghh!”quick as a shot gun I grabbed the rope. I scrambled up onto the deck. The captain announced! “start rigging.” “Eye eye captain” I called. I went up to the bow of the ship. “I think it is going to be a bumpy ride!” I predicted.
By George
By George
I pulled and heaved my wetsuit on. The hood
was like a tight helmet. Oooaaaeee rrroooeee I heaved my booties on and then my flexible flippers go over them. I am ready. I jump into the water as if I was a leaping seal. I swim around as if I am a fearful shark. It is deep a shiver comes up my spine a piece of seaweed slithers past my face. I scrambled in as if I was drowning. I swim into the shallow. I am safe!
By Winiata
was like a tight helmet. Oooaaaeee rrroooeee I heaved my booties on and then my flexible flippers go over them. I am ready. I jump into the water as if I was a leaping seal. I swim around as if I am a fearful shark. It is deep a shiver comes up my spine a piece of seaweed slithers past my face. I scrambled in as if I was drowning. I swim into the shallow. I am safe!
By Winiata
The Chiller
As I am climbing the chiller the fear in me is making me shake with every move I make. I begin to get chills running down my spine. When I reach the top of the chiller I sprint to the end of the chiller and jump as high and as far as I possibly can. I am yelling all the way down...and time suddenly stops it feels like I am free falling with style in slow mo.
I hit the water with a bomb exploding splash. I am under water for a long time I think I might drown. Thanks to my 6mm wet suit I float back to the surface I stick my head right out of the water. With relief I suck in huge amounts of air. I see a glimpse of the others as they hit the water with an enormous splash. Mini waves splashed under the wharf. The three of us swam to the beach with what strength we had left. I pushed my self to the limit and went at top speed I was coming first and beating every one else. I was gliding across the water I felt the warmth of my wet suit. Stopping and floating on top of the water I had never felt so relaxed in my life. As we got to the sunny beach we rested and later we went back home for a nice beautiful hot shower.
By Jahdan
I hit the water with a bomb exploding splash. I am under water for a long time I think I might drown. Thanks to my 6mm wet suit I float back to the surface I stick my head right out of the water. With relief I suck in huge amounts of air. I see a glimpse of the others as they hit the water with an enormous splash. Mini waves splashed under the wharf. The three of us swam to the beach with what strength we had left. I pushed my self to the limit and went at top speed I was coming first and beating every one else. I was gliding across the water I felt the warmth of my wet suit. Stopping and floating on top of the water I had never felt so relaxed in my life. As we got to the sunny beach we rested and later we went back home for a nice beautiful hot shower.
By Jahdan
Boggie board
The sun shone the waves splashed as I jumped onto my boggie board. Smash smash smash as I raced through the clear salty sea then BANG a wave smashed against my boggie board. I soar through the water. The rough sand flies through my hair then splash I land flat on the sand.
By Jack
Thursday, February 16, 2012
As we rev our engines the elastic is stretching tighter & tighter. PING!! I dropped the clutch and rammed the accelerator. I speed off sliding around the first corner. I speed down the straight. The second corner is approaching, throttle full I slowly turn the bike. I was sliding and dirt is flying. I am in 2nd place. Our bikes are screaming now. As I approach the corner I am starting to slide. I turn the throttle one too many revs. I slide out. The bike turned off. I rise up and grab the clutch and heave the bike into the middle of the track. I am so disappointed.
By Storm
By Storm
Hydro sliding
“Man this is so tiring.” We are sprinting up the endless stairs. I look out the side I feel dizzy.
Finally I get to the top. There is a fabulously fast slide and an old man slow slide “I’m going on the fast one!” I shout. I slipped and slid. Wow wow the tunnel curved and I shot out the end! I hit the water with a tremendous splash!
By Billy
Finally I get to the top. There is a fabulously fast slide and an old man slow slide “I’m going on the fast one!” I shout. I slipped and slid. Wow wow the tunnel curved and I shot out the end! I hit the water with a tremendous splash!
By Billy
The Christmas Hangi
The Christmas Hangi
Wooosh! A blast of hot steam puffed out like a train as we took off the hot sheets. We heaved out the wire case. There were cabbage leaves on the bottom so the Hangi didn't burn. There were colourful roast veggies and the most tenderest juiciest wild pork ever mixed together with a smell of manuka.
By Timu
Wooosh! A blast of hot steam puffed out like a train as we took off the hot sheets. We heaved out the wire case. There were cabbage leaves on the bottom so the Hangi didn't burn. There were colourful roast veggies and the most tenderest juiciest wild pork ever mixed together with a smell of manuka.
By Timu
Thunder Waves!
The huge wave towered high above the boat. It sped across the astonishingly big wave and went straight into the powerful cool air. The boat crashed back into the rolling safe sea as I sighed with relief!
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